Securing the human resources in agriculture especially in young generations through advancement of youths in agricultural high schools and universities into agricultural industries
Improving farmer’s capacity comparable with the agriculturally advanced countries by offering technical training for farm enterprises and supporting the enhancement of their management capacity
Strategic task 1 (Stable inflow and settlement of future manpower)
- ① Nurture talented manpower through strengthening capabilities for getting jobs and establishing a business in agricultural industry
- Strengthening agricultural labor’s capabilities for getting jobs and establishing a business
- Establishing the industry-university cooperative network and creating jobs to help people into work and establish start-ups in the agricultural industry
- Providing the opportunities for the future labors to go abroad in agricultural industry through international exchanges and cooperation
- ② Facilitate the settlement of young farmers
- Establishing a foundation for growth and industrialization of agriculture through stable settlement of young farmers and successors of farming and creation of their success stories
- Improving education quality and management for talented youths to advance into agriculture
Strategic task 2(Development of specialized farm management ability among farmers)
- ① Strengthen the education for leading agricultural technology and field training
- Expanding the education for leading farmers with knowledge and expertise for crops and management capacity
- Expanding the long-term field training (more than 100 hours) in which trainees can participate in hands-on-training on the entire process of crop growth and development(cultivation→harvesting→marketing)
- Improving leading farm enterprises’ capabilities for food crops by actively responding to changes in the agricultural policies such as supporting for cultivating crops other than rice in paddy fields and direct payment program
- Developing excellent courses considering the demand for education
- ② Strengthen capabilities for smart agriculture technology
- Increasing productivity and farm income by offering cutting-edge information Communications Technology(ICT) by trainee’s level and each crop
Strategic task 3 (Support for management innovation in farm enterprises)
- ① Efficient business management of farm enterprises
- Providing the informatization and customized decision-making service designed for farm enterprise’s farming
- Establishing the integrated management platform for farm enterprise support programs and providing one-stop services
- Strengthening farm enterprises’ management capabilities and increasing their profit by providing customized management consulting designed for each enterprise based on competence assessment
- Improving corporate management environments and its competitiveness by providing training opportunities to enhance practical competencies for workers in agricultural corporations
- ② Support the employment of agricultural workers and establishment of the foundation for life learning
- Strengthening farm enterprises’ competitiveness through support for the recruitment of experts with various experiences and know-hows to help agricultural corporations improve their management capabilities
- Establishing the foundation for life learning through integrated agricultural education information management utilizing education portal and expansion of customized education services designed for demanders